What makes a ‘GREAT’ burlesque act? – Take your acts from “meh” to “AMAZING” by mastering the “Three Pillars Of Burlesque”.
What makes a ‘GREAT’ burlesque act? – Take your acts from “meh” to “AMAZING” by mastering the “Three Pillars Of Burlesque”. https://i0.wp.com/www.vixendeville.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/WHAT-MAKES-A-GREAT-BURLESQUE-ACT.jpg?fit=1024%2C684&ssl=1 1024 684 Vixen DeVille https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/f5c7c71f2881d1582be0ce9f7d1cbb63?s=96&d=mm&r=gWhat makes a great burlesque act? – Take your acts from “meh” to “AMAZING” by mastering the “Three Pillars Of Burlesque”. “WHAT MAKES A ‘GREAT’ BURLESQUE ACT?” Has got to be the age-old question. Usually, the discussion comes to a conclusion of “well it’s subjective”. Everyone has different tastes and so you can never OBJECTIVELY…
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